The Rabbit Hole #2🕳

Jan 18, 2022


Today I’m looking at Anchor Protocol:

• Crypto Savings Account
• Consistent 20% APY
• How it works: Stablecoin Yield-farming
• Risk Level: Minimum

Personally, we see much higher rates in other yield farming protocols, but Anchor has been one of the most market-proof projects I’ve seen — holding the 20% range even through the past major crypto dips.

Ask any questions you have about this project below and I’ll be happy to answer them!

Sound like a project you want to learn more about? Here’s their website:

Please remember this is not financial advice and to DYOR.

Keep learning my friends🔗




Researcher @ The Rabbit Hole | Associate @ the Rines Angel Fund | VP @ UNH E-Club | UNH Honors Student | DeFi + Web 3.0 Enthusiast 🚀💡